What are solo ads and how do they work?

What are solo ads and how do they work?

Solo ads are simply where you pay a list owner to send a certain amount of clicks to your lead capture page.

For example you may pay $100 for 100 clicks, you are paying 1 dollar a click and the seller will send 100 clicks to a page of your choosing.

The email script is usually a promotional email which will tell the subscriber about your product and try to illicit a click.

Solo ad sellers send the email to their list and you pay for each click that comes from the email.

You specify how many clicks you want and they use a rotator link in the email to ensure you only get the amount of clicks you ordered.

Solo ads are a great way to build your list which is their main purpose, NEVER SEND SOLO ADS TO A SALES PAGE.

For more information, check out our full solo ads training here: 


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